• Fan Blast Nozzle Insert
  • Fan Blast Nozzle Insert
  • Fan Blast Nozzle Insert
  • Fan Blast Nozzle Insert

Fan Blast Nozzle Insert

አጭር መግለጫ

OurFan Blast Nozzle Insert has many advantages, such as high wear resistance, high hardness, high and low temperature resistance, high-pressure resistance, etc....

  • Material: Boron Carbide
  • Application: Sandblasting
  • Place of Origin:China


Fan Blast Nozzle Insert

The Fan Blast Nozzle Insert is a replacement part made especially for sandblasting guns and works well with most regular types of sunction blast guns. Made from high-hardness boron carbide (B4C) material, this nozzle offers exceptional wear resistance and corrosion resistance, providing efficient performance across various industrial sandblasting applications.

Fan Blast Nozzle Insert

Material: boron carbide

Color: black

Density: ≥2.46g/cm3

Microhardness: ≥3500kgf/mm2

Bending strength:≥400MPa

Melting point: 2450 ℃

Low density and thermal conductivity, high hardness, and strength corrosion make it superbly durable.

Fan Blast Nozzle Insert

The Fan Blast Nozzle Inserts are made of hard and lightweight boron carbide, which makes the tip of the blast nozzle more durable and lasting, and has a longer serviceable life than ceramics, tungsten carbide, and other materials!

Fan Blast Nozzle Insert

Our Fan Blast Nozzle Insert works with a wide range of materials, including garnet, silicon carbide, glass beads, alumina, and black diamond. As a result, you can choose with confidence knowing that our products are compatible with your tools.

Fan Blast Nozzle InsertFan Blast Nozzle Insert

Fan Blast Nozzle InsertFan Blast Nozzle Insert

Fan Blast Nozzle Insert


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2. ጥራቱን እንዴት ማረጋገጥ እንችላለን?

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3. ከሌሎች አቅራቢዎች ሳይሆን ከእኛ ለምን ይግዙ?

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6. የመክፈያ ውልዎ እና ዘዴዎ ምንድን ነው?

ክፍያ ከ1000USD ያነሰ ወይም እኩል የሆነ፣ 100% አስቀድሞ። ክፍያ ከ1000USD የሚበልጥ ወይም እኩል የሆነ፣ 30% T/T በቅድሚያ፣ ከመላኩ በፊት ቀሪ ሂሳብ። T/T፣ L/C፣ Alipay፣ PayPal፣ Western Union WeChat፣ ወዘተ እንቀበላለን።

ደብዳቤ ላኩልን።
እባክዎን መልእክት ይላኩ እና ወደ እርስዎ እንመለሳለን!