• Breathing Airline Filter
  • Breathing Airline Filter
  • Breathing Airline Filter

Breathing Airline Filter


Breathing Airline Filter for breathing air supplied from a compressed air source. Equipped with Pressure indicator, Filter support....

  • Model: BAF
  • Main Ingredients: Activated carbon, alumina
  • Weight: 14(Kg)


Breathing Airline Filter

Breathing Airline Filter for breathing air supplied from a compressed air source. Equipped with Pressure indicator and filter support.

Breathing Airline Filter

The Breathing Airline Filter uses a scientific combination of combed cotton, activated carbon, alumina, and other deep structures for filtration. This product effectively sequentially captures of water, oil, and gas odors and organic gases. It is widely used in the Sandblasting Industry.

Breathing Airline Filter


The activated carbon adsorption function of the activated carbon filter has a certain saturation value. When the saturated adsorption capacity is reached, the activated carbon filter's adsorption function will be greatly reduced. So, we need to pay attention to the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon and replace it in time (suggested every 4 to 6 months).

Breathing Airline Filter

Breathing Airline Filter

Working MediumThe Compressed Air
Use Pressure0.8(Mpa)
Filter Accuracy0.01(um)
Gas Flow1(㎡)
Use Temperature≤40(℃)
Working Pressure Difference0.01(Mpa)
Main IngredientsActivated Carbon, Alumina

Breathing Airline Filter

Gray is the normal color and other colors can be customized according to customer preferences.

Breathing Airline Filter

Breathing Airline Filter

Breathing Airline FilterBreathing Airline FilterBreathing Airline Filter

Breathing Airline FilterBreathing Airline FilterBreathing Airline Filter


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Мессеж бичээрэй, бид тантай эргэн холбогдох болно!