Type A Suction Blasting Gun
Type A sandblast gun is designed for fast efficient sand blasting, and liquid or air cleaning of parts and surfaces. It is a powerful tool for removing tar, rust, old paint, and many other substances, applicable to box manual sandblasting machines and box type automatic sandblasting machines.
Item | Value |
Brand | BSTEC |
Name | Type A Blast Gun |
Components | Air jet, nozzle insert, nozzle sleeve, flange nut |
Air jet | 13mm |
Abrasive inlet size | 13mm |
Place of Origin | China |
Nozzle Size | 35mm length |
· The gun body is made of die-casting aluminum alloy or PU material, high wear-resistance in lightweight
· Two types of abrasive inlets methods: thread type and straight-in type; for straight-in type, the abrasive inlet diameter is 22mm; for thread type, the abrasive inlet opening is 13mm; air jet openings are all 13mm
· A knurled nut at the gun outlet allows the operator to change nozzles without tools
· Adjustable bracket allows gun fixture in all possible blast directions
· Gun components such as air jet, nozzle insert, nozzle sleeve, and flange nut can be replaced separately to save costs
· Generally used with boron carbide blasting nozzle in the outer diameter of 20mm and length of 35mm
· Thicken aluminum alloy gun body and big air jet make the circulation space limited, which is more suitable for fine grain size blasting media
· Can be worked in both dry and wet blasting
· Suitable for glass, aluminum, and other also be used to clean structural parts, mechanical parts and products, and other items.
1. The operator inserts the nozzle washer into a thread nozzle holder and screws in the nozzle, turning it by hand until it seats firmly against the washer.
2. With all related equipment correctly assembled and tested, the operator points the nozzle at the surface to be cleaned and presses the remote control handle to begin blasting.
3. The operator holds the nozzle 18 to 36 inches from the surface and moves it smoothly at a rate that produces the desired cleanliness. Each pass should overlap slightly.
4.The operator must replace the nozzle once the orifice wears 1/16-inch beyond its original size.
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