• ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose
  • ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose
  • ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose


It is lightweight and comfortable, with a wide viewing window that is perfect for low-motion situations, such as blasting rooms or cleaning the inside of tanks and holds. This blast helmet is an essential piece of equipment for any professional blaster....

  • Name: Sandblast helmet
  • Main Material: ABS


ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

Blast helmets are typically made of durable materials. In industrial environments, there is a risk of flying debris, particles, or blasts. It not only protects against blast media rebound but also supplies breathing air to the operator through a separate breathing airline. Blast helmets protect the wearer's head, face, and neck.  It can withstand impact and provide protection.

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

We have two types of Blast Helmet. Type 1 is BSH-02A which has Panorama View with PVC Lenses. Type 2 is BSH-02B which has Windows View with PVC +Glass Lenses.

Model No.TypeMain ComponentsAvailable ColorsHelmet Material
BSH-02APanorama ViewHelmet Frame, PVC Lenses, Cape, Breathing HoseYellow / Red / Blue / BlackPC+ABS material
BSH-02BWindow ViewHelmet Frame, PVC+Glass Lenses, Cape, Breathing HoseYellow / Red PC+ABS material

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

BSH-02A has a double-layer PVC lens with a thickness of 0.5mm. It is equipped with a double-sided protective film, which should be torn off before use.

BSH-02B has two layers, the inner layer is a PVC lens with a thickness of 1mm, with double-sided protective film, which should be torn before use; The outer layer is a glass lens, and the two layers of lenses must be used at the same time to prevent the glass from breaking and causing harm to the wearer.

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose


Color: Yellow / Red / Blue / Black(helmet )

Lens Material: PVC material

Helmet Material: PC+ABS material

Lens Size: 41cm x 14.5cm/16.2'' x 5.7'' 

Helmet Size: 26cm x 28cm x 34cm

Pipe Length: 59cm x 2.5cm/23.5'' x 1'' 

There will be some errors in manual measurement, thank you for your understanding.

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hoseABS sandblast helmet with breathing hoseABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose

ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hoseABS sandblast helmet with breathing hoseABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose


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