Fan Blast Nozzle Insert
The Fan Blast Nozzle Insert is a replacement part made especially for sandblasting guns and works well with most regular types of suction blast guns. Made from high-hardness boron carbide (B4C) material, this nozzle offers exceptional wear resistance and corrosion resistance, providing efficient performance across various industrial sandblasting applications.
Material: boron carbide
Color: black
Density: ≥2.46g/cm3
Microhardness: ≥3500kgf/mm2
Bending strength:≥400MPa
Melting point: 2450 ℃
Low density and thermal conductivity, high hardness, and strength corrosion make it superbly durable.
The Fan Blast Nozzle Inserts are made of hard and lightweight boron carbide, which makes the tip of the blast nozzle more durable and lasting, and has a longer serviceable life than ceramics, tungsten carbide, and other materials!
Our Fan Blast Nozzle Insert works with a wide range of materials, including garnet, silicon carbide, glass beads, alumina, and black diamond. As a result, you can choose with confidence knowing that our products are compatible with your tools.
1. Naha anjeun perusahaan dagang atanapi produsén?
Kami pabrik, utamana produk tungsten carbide, boron carbide, jeung produk silikon carbide. Sarta kami ogé ngalakukeun dagang on accessaries patali per sarat konsumén '.
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