• Type B Suction Blasting Gun

Type B Suction Blasting Gun

Gysga düşündiriş

Type B suction blasting gun is designed for efficient blasting and high-pressure liquid cleaning of parts and surfaces. It is great for various works including glass blasting, removing rust, paint, and scale on automobiles, hot tubs, and other surfaces. ...

  • Types of Abrasive Inlets: Thread Type and Straight-in Type
  • Gun Body Material: Die-casting Aluminum Alloy
  • Abrasive Inlet: Straight-in Type 22mm; Thread Type 13mm
  • Air Jet: 13mm




Type B suction blasting gun is designed for efficient blasting and high-pressure liquid cleaning of parts and surfaces. It is great for various works including glass blasting, removing rust, paint, and scale on automobiles, hot tubs, and other surfaces. 







Type B Blast Gun

Gun Body Material

Die-casting Aluminum Alloy


Thread Type and Straight-in Type

Air Jet


Abrasive Inlet

Straight-in Type 22mm; Thread Type 13mm

Place of Origin


Nozzle Size

20mm, Length of 35 / 45 / 60 / 80mm.


· The gun body is made of die-casting aluminum alloy, high wear-resistance in lightweight and smooth surface

· Two types of abrasive inlets methods: thread type and straight-in type; for straight-in type, the abrasive inlet diameter is 22mm; for thread type, the abrasive inlet opening is 13mm; air jet openings are all 13mm

· A comfortable pistol design reduces operator fatigue and increases productivity during prolonged blasting

· Adjustable bracket allows gun fixture in all possible blast directions

· Gun components such as air jet, nozzle insert, and nozzle sleeve can be replaced separately to save costs

· Generally used with boron carbide blasting nozzle in the outer diameter of 20mm, and length of 35 / 45 / 60 / 80mm.

· Large circulation space allows various grain size abrasives in good fluidity  

· The gun’s tube is connected through the blasting nozzle and locked by the nozzle sleeve clamp, at the same time no bubbles will be generated.

· Suitable for various abrasive and blasting media, such as glass beads, silica, ceramics, aluminum oxide, and so on. 





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5. Nusga berýärsiňizmi? Mugtmy ýa-da goşmaça?

Umuman, mugt nusgalary bermeýäris. Emma nusga çykdajylaryny köp sargytlaryňyzdan aýyryp bileris.

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Töleg 1000USD-dan az ýa-da deňdir, öňünden 100%. Töleg 1000USD-dan uly ýa-da deňdir, öňünden 30% T / T, ibermezden ozal balans. T / T, L / C, Alipay, PayPal, Western Union WeChat we ş.m. kabul edýäris.

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