• Sand Blaster Machine Accessories Switch Pneumatic Remote Control Handle Sand Blast deadmen control

Sand Blaster Machine Accessories Switch Pneumatic Remote Control Handle Sand Blast deadmen control

Кыска тасвирлау

This pneumatic remote control handle is attached to the blasting nozzle and is connected to the RCV with a twin hose. It is used to switch the RCV ON and OFF....

  • Name: Pneumatic remote control handle
  • Type: Sandblasting machine handle
  • Size: 235 * 40 * 50mm



Sand Blaster Machine Accessories Switch Pneumatic Remote Control Handle Sand Blast dead man control





Pneumatic remote control handle


Sandblasting machine handle


Aluminum alloy

Working pressure

0.4 ~ 0.8MPa


235 * 40 * 50mm

Air inlet


Air outlet


Trachea connector

1 / 8


This pneumatic remote control handle is attached to the blasting nozzle and is connected to the RCV with a twin hose. It is used to switch the RCV ON and OFF.Features a spring loaded safety tab, providing a dual ' fail to safe' action, which prevents the handle from operating when released. very popular, the blasters favourite. used extensively throughout the industry. suitable for all blasting environments.




  • The new pneumatic switch of sandblasting machine changes the traditional finger pressing to palm pressing, so as to reduce the labor intensity.

  • Automatic safety device,Long service life,Light and beautiful. 

  • Air control switch for sandblasting machine: Made of aluminum alloy, more comfortable and safer. 

  • This switch: 3-5 times the life span of an ordinary pneumatic switch. 

  • Broad, thin handle to reduce operator stress when blasting for long periods.


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