4F210-08LG 5/2 way 1 inlet 2 outlet direct type pneumatic foot control pedal valve with cover and lock
4F210-08LG 5/2 way 1 inlet 2 outlet direct type pneumatic foot control pedal valve with cover and lock
A 5/2 foot operated valve connected to a pneumatic cylinder (double acting type), when pressed once and released, makes the cylinder piston to move in the forward direction and continuously keeps in that direction.
When it is again pressed the lock is released and the pedal returns back due to a spring, and thus the cylinder retracts back to its home position.
l The aluminum foot pedal is designed with direct acting, which is steady and reliable
l If the duration of direction-change is long, the valves with lock may be used
l The clamping framework is steady and reliable that it is easy and quick to unlock. However,
with the limitation of the dimension of structure, it can not bear frequent strong impact
l Plastic guard with high strength may be used
l These valves are used as directional control valves to operate pneumatic cylinders (single or double acting).
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