ABS sandblast helmet with breathing hose
Blast helmets are typically made of durable materials. In industrial environments, there is a risk of flying debris, particles, or blasts. It not only protects against blast media rebound but also supplies breathing air to the operator through a separate breathing airline. Blast helmets protect the wearer's head, face, and neck. It can withstand impact and provide protection.
We have two types of Blast Helmet. Type 1 is BSH-02A which has Panorama View with PVC Lenses. Type 2 is BSH-02B which has Windows View with PVC +Glass Lenses.
BSH-02A has a double-layer PVC lens with a thickness of 0.5mm. It is equipped with a double-sided protective film, which should be torn off before use.
BSH-02B has two layers, the inner layer is a PVC lens with a thickness of 1mm, with double-sided protective film, which should be torn before use; The outer layer is a glass lens, and the two layers of lenses must be used at the same time to prevent the glass from breaking and causing harm to the wearer.
Color: Yellow / Red / Blue / Black(helmet )
Lens Material: PVC material
Helmet Material: PC+ABS material
Lens Size: 41cm x 14.5cm/16.2'' x 5.7''
Helmet Size: 26cm x 28cm x 34cm
Pipe Length: 59cm x 2.5cm/23.5'' x 1''
There will be some errors in manual measurement, thank you for your understanding.
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