• Type C Suction Blasting Gun

Type C Suction Blasting Gun


Type C suction gun is similar to type A, but it is much smaller. Type C is more suitable for manual sandblaster on narrow place blasting. ...

  • Gun Body Material:Die-casting Aluminum Alloy
  • Gun Components: Air Jet, Nozzle Insert, and Nozzle Sleeve
  • Place of Origin:China
  • Nozzle Size: 20mm, Length of 35 / 45 / 60 / 80mm.




Type C suction gun is similar to type A, but it is much smaller. Type C is more suitable for manual sandblaster on narrow place blasting. 







Type C Blast Gun

Gun Body Material

Die-casting Aluminum Alloy

Gun Components

Air Jet, Nozzle Insert, and Nozzle Sleeve

Place of Origin


Nozzle Size

20mm, Length of 35 / 45 / 60 / 80mm.


· The gun body is made of die-casting aluminum alloy, high wear-resistance in lightweight and smooth surface

· The blasting gun can be with an adjustable bracket or without an adjustable bracket

· Gun components such as air jet, nozzle insert, and nozzle sleeve can be replaced separately to save costs

· Generally used with boron carbide blasting nozzle in the outer diameter of 20mm, and length of 35 / 45 / 60 / 80mm

· Large circulation space allows coarse grain size abrasives in good fluidity 

· The gun’s tube is connected through the blasting nozzle and locked by the nozzle sleeve clamp, at the same time no bubbles will be generated

· Suitable for various abrasive and blasting media, such as glass beads, silica, ceramics, aluminum oxide, and so on. 




1. Naha anjeun perusahaan dagang atanapi produsén?

Kami pabrik, utamana produk tungsten carbide, boron carbide, jeung produk silikon carbide. Sarta kami ogé ngalakukeun dagang on accessaries patali per sarat konsumén '.

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Pangmayaran Kurang atawa sarua jeung 1000USD, 100% sateuacanna. Pangmayaran langkung ageung atanapi sami sareng 1000USD, 30% T / T sateuacanna, kasaimbangan sateuacan kiriman. Simkuring nampi T / T, L / C, Alipay, PayPal, Western Union WeChat, jeung saterusna.

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